metaphysical  /ˌmɛtəˈfɪzɪkl/
1. relating to metaphysics.
    "the essentially metaphysical question of the nature of mind"

Inspired by the Masko spiky origami masks by 3Gatti Architecture Studio, this project focuses on using sculpture as the focal subject to create a surreal style of photography. 
Each mask is hand-sculpted, made using a range of thick poster board cut and folded into smaller geometric sections, then held together at the desired angle under tension via string and elastic.
This series grew from an experimental idea and a keen interest to create something unusual but satisfyingly mathematic. 
(Above) Experimental colour grading using ink on clear acetate over the flash. 
(Below) Layered shots to create 'static-flickering' movement.
(Below) Single light source illuminating upwards in a dark room.
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